Dissertations and Theses: Mathematics Program

Below you find the theses and dissertations of the Graduate Program in Mathematics produced and defended on IMECC starting on the year 2000. You can filter the output by year and by level.

Student Title Program Date
Felipe Carvalho Silva Chaos measures in infinite dimension Mathematics 03/08/2024
Cibele Carolina De Souza Sá Free plane algebraic curves Mathematics 03/07/2024
Bernardo Santos Vieira The Seiberg-Witten invariants Mathematics 03/07/2024
Esteban de Jesus Garcia Hernandez Combinatorial and homological methods in Lie algebras theory and groups Mathematics 03/04/2024
Joyce Aparecida Casimiro Piecewise smooth vector fields: index of singularities and some results about the existence of limit cycles Mathematics 02/20/2024
João Pedro Moresca Martins Besov-ish spaces : a generalization of Besov spaces through the method of atomic decomposition Mathematics 02/05/2024
Pedro Souza Fagundes Sums of graded algebras, images of graded polynomials and f-zpd algebras Mathematics 01/24/2024
Rondinei Almeida da Silva Local exact controllability to the trajectories for a solidification model with convection Mathematics 12/13/2023
Renato Junior Moreira e Silva Metric deformations and the Wilking's Conjecture on symmetric spaces Mathematics 12/05/2023
Daniel Pires Araujo Lima Global solutions for two-dimensional fluid models with chemotaxis and Radon measures as initial data Mathematics 10/06/2023
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