Dissertations and Theses: Mathematics Program

Below you find the theses and dissertations of the Graduate Program in Mathematics produced and defended on IMECC starting on the year 2000. You can filter the output by year and by level.

Student Title Program Date
Pedro Dragone Latini Applications of positive definite kernels in probability Mathematics 07/24/2024
Douglas Alves Gonzaga The Bieri-Neumann-Renz-Strebel invariants Mathematics 07/24/2024
Anderson Felipe Penagos Rojas Weak condition for the existence of control sets with a nonempty interior for linear control systems on nilpotent groups Mathematics 07/23/2024
Agnaldo Alessandro da Silva Junior Generalized Ricci curvature on contact Calabi-Yau 7-manifolds Mathematics 07/19/2024
Pedro Griguol de Mattos Entropy in Piecewise Smooth Dynamics and Symbolic Dynamics Mathematics 07/03/2024
Gabriel Ernandes Silva Santa Fé Transcendental number theory : Mahler's classification Mathematics 05/29/2024
Leandro Afonso da Silva The cyclicity and isochronicity problems for monodromic tangential singularities in Filippov systems Mathematics 05/28/2024
Maicon Sartori Hespanha On energy-critical nonlinear Schrödinger systems Mathematics 05/10/2024
Mauro Rodrigues Rocha Júnior Dihedral codes and their weights Mathematics 04/29/2024
Francisco Bruno Gomes da Silva Topological Methods in the Study of Periodic Solutions of Non-Smooth Differential Equations Mathematics 04/09/2024
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