
Regular Student


Selected Students for Admission in the 1st Semester 2025:  

Master (disclosure on December 17, 2024)

PhD (disclosure on December 17, 2024)

Note: Information about the registration date and documentation was sent by email on January 15, 2025. We recommend checking the Spam folder.


Selection process for admission in the First Semester of 2025: Official Notice RECTIFIED on December 06, 2024 (item 5.4, as highlighted in yellow)
Selection process for admission in the First Semester of 2025: see Official Notice 


Selected Students for Admission in the 2nd Semester 2024:  



Note: information about the date and documentation guidelines for registration will be sent at the beginning of July by email. We recommend consulting the spam box.


Information about the selection process for admission in the Second Semester of 2024: see Official Notice 



Information about the selection process for admission in the First Semester of 2024: see Official Notice



Selected Students for Admission in the 2nd Semester 2023:  



Note: information about the date and documentation guidelines for registration will be sent at the beginning of July by email. We recommend consulting the spam box.



Information about the selection process for admission in the Second Semester of 2023: see Official Notice.


Selected Students for Admission in the 1st Semester 2023: 



Note: information about the date and documentation guidelines for registration will be sent later (probably in January 2023) by email. We recommend consulting the spam box.


Information about the selection process for admission in the First Semester of 2023: see Official Notice.


Selected Students for Admission in the 2nd Semester 2022: 



Note: information about the date and documentation guidelines for registration will be sent later (probably in the second half of July) by email. We recommend consulting the spam box.



Information about the selection process for admission in the Second Semester of 2022: see Official Notice



Selected Students for Admission in the 1st Semester 2022: 



Note: information about the date and documentation guidelines for registration will be sent later (probably in the third week of January) by email. We recommend consulting the spam box.



Information about the selection process for admission in the First Semester of 2022: see Official Notice



Information about the selection process for Admission in August 2021: see Official Notice.


Important Notice

E-mail accounts for incoming students: An e-mail account will be available for new students in Master and Ph.D. The e-mail accounts must be obtained in the sector of informatics (Room 250, User support, second floor), in posession of a document with photo.The Secretariat of Graduation sends important information to the students exclusively to the e-mail list of Imecc, so it is indispensable to obtain the institutional e-mail.

Regular Student  

Program Admission

May be admitted to the Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics the bearers of undergraduate degrees in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics or any related fields. The application of candidates to the programs of Master's Degree and Ph.D. must be made through the SIGA System of Unicamp.Candidates for Master's Degree or Ph.D. who already have the acceptance from a thesis advisor must submit the letter of acceptance.

Application Period:

The application of candidates for Master's Degree and Ph.D. must be held from September to October (dates to be defined) of each year, for admission in March of the following year, or from March to April for admission in August.


Incomplete applications can not be corrected after the application deadline and, therefore, shall not be evaluated.

Failure to submit the required documents invalidates the application.

For Master's Degree and Ph.D

The selection of candidates applying for the Master's Degree or Ph.D. will be carried on by the Office of Graduate Studies based on the analysis of the documentation submitted and on the performance on the Entrance Exam (or, alternatively, to the GRE). The Office may:

  • Directly accept the candidate in the program. For this purpose the student must be well-educated and demonstrate a certified scientific potential through a higher rank than the needed in the Scholarship Exam in order to be granted, or for being approved as a regular or special student in the basic courses (Applied Analysis and Matrices). It is recommended that the candidate submit a statement of indication from a professor in the program, which must in this case submit a letter to the Office of Graduate Studies assuming the orientation of the candidate.
  • Accept the candidate in condition that he is approved in the Summer Courses offered by IMECC or in the Scholarship Exam, which is held annualy  and occurs generally on December, or in any other exam that the Office deems appropriate.
  • Not accept the student.

Special Students

Enrollments will be accepetd for students who wish to attend isolated courses. The students in this condition will be Special Students and the credits obtained may be validated in case the student  move to the category of regular student in one of the Graduate courses.The application period for special students is usually in the beginning of each semester. For more informations about the exact period please refer to the Office of Graduate Studies and DAC's website:

  •  Attach a copy of High School Records

Note: The applicant should seek the teacher responsible for the course desired, before delivering the above documents.

Foreign Students

Application period:

Application of candidates to the Master's Degree and Ph.D. programs must be made from September to October (dates to be defined) of each year, for admission in March of the following year, and from March to April for admission in August.


Incomplete applications can not be corrected after the deadline of registration and therefore will not be evaluated.

Failure to submit the required documents invalidate the registration.

Documents needed in order to fill out the application form:


  • Application form to the desired course - signed;
  • Undergraduate Academic Records.
Application form:

Candidates to a Master's Degree or to a Ph.D. who already have the acceptance to the program by any professor should attach the letter of acceptance.

Selection of candidates

For Master's Degree and Ph.D.

The selection of the candidates  will be carried on by the Office of Graduate Studies based on the analysis of the documentation submitted. The Office may:

  • Directly accept the candidate in the program. For this purpose the student must be well-educated and demonstrate a certified scientific potential through a higher rank than the needed in the Scholarship Exam in order to be granted, or for being approved as a regular or special student in the basic courses (Applied Analysis and Matrices). It is recommended that the candidate submit a statement of indication from from a professor in the program, which must in this case submit a letter to the Office of Graduate Studies assuming the orientation of the candidate.
  • Accept the candidate in condition that he is approved in the Summer Courses offered by IMECC or in the Scholarship Exam, which is held annualy  and occurs generally on December, or in any other exam that the Office deems appropriate.
  • Not accept the student.


Foreign student must attend the International Student Service of DAC - Academic Board of Unoicamp, before the enrollment, bearing the following documents:
Copies of the pages of the passport that contain:

  • Personal data;
  • Visa;
  • Entry stamp;
  • Visa registration stamp;
  • Visa registration protocol;
  • Insurance plan to ensure coverage of medical and hospital expenses and repatriation.

All documents issued abroad must be legalized at the Brazilian consular office in the country of origin and accompanied by a  public sworn translation. There is no inscription fee.


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