Result of the selection process for Postdoctoral Position (PNPD-CAPES) - August 2019


Result of the selection process for Postdoctoral Position (PNPD-CAPES) - August 2019

The Graduate Program in Mathematics - IMECC-Unicamp received 18 applications for the post-doctoral selection process with the PNPD / CAPES Grant.

Final classification indicated by the Selection Committee (order of priority):

1. Safoura Zadeh

2. Eder de Moraes Correa

3. Roberto Assis Machado

4. Andrés Julián Moreno Ospina

5. Cíntia Dalila Soares

6. Jean Carlos Nakasato

7. Marcelo Aparecido Cabral Nogueira

8. Ariadne Nogueira

9. Halimeh Madadi

10. Gabriel Elias Mantovani

11. Luis Pánfilo Yapu Quispe

12. Argenis Mendez

13. Bely Rodriguez Morales

14. Jhon Ever Quispe Vargas

15. Mateus Moreira de Melo

16. Elmer Rusbert Calderon Beltran