
Follow the steps below to add the GêBR repository to your Debian machine. Start by launching “Terminal”. Click on Applications -> Acessories -> Terminal.

The GêBR Project support the latest release of Debian. The location of the repository is:

  • Debian Squeeze (6.0):
    deb squeeze contrib
  • Debian Jessie (8.7):
    deb jessie contrib

As superuser (root), execute the following command on your Terminal to add GêBR repository on your list. You will be asked by the root password.

su -
echo deb `lsb_release -cs` contrib | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gebr.list

Since this is a new repository, you need to refresh the list of available packages to include those from GêBR repository. To do that, execute the command:

apt-get update

To trust GêBR packages, you need to install gebr.key:

apt-key add gebr.key

Now you can install GêBR, running the following command on Terminal:

sudo apt-get install gebr debr gebr-menus-su gebr-menus-shtools

After you conclude these steps, you can start GêBR through Applications -> Science menu.


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