Open seismic data

There are some repositories which store and distribute freely open seismic data, for research purposes. Some of them distribute also processing scripts employing Seismic Unix.

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GêBR will be presented at Copenhagen as part of the program of EAGE Workshop Open-source E+P Software – Six Years Later. The attendees will be the first to see the new features that are about to be released in few weeks.

EAGE Workshop ‘Open-source E+P Software – Six Years Later’ is being held on Friday 8 June at the Bella Center in Copenhagen immediately after the Annual Meeting. Open-source software has a valuable role in exploration geoscience and this is an excellent opportunity to catch up with developments. Read more…

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Once again a short course on the seismic processing platform GêBR will be offered, this time during the IV SimBGF (Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofísica). The course will cover practical aspects of seismic processing in time, using a 2D synthetic data. The new versions of GêBR and GêBR Live DVD will be released during the event.

The symposium will be held in Brasilia from 14 to 17 November.

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