Livros e Textos


Tópicos de Lógica Fuzzy e Biomatemática

Nesse texto procuramos reunir duas características que julgamos importante em um livro de matemática. Em primeiro lugar nos preocupamos com a didática dos temas apresentados na teoria da lógica fuzzy, desde as definições mais básicas até alguns resultados mais sofisticados da teoria atual. Em segundo lugar é um livro que traz  bastante resultados de pesquisa corrente sobre as aplicações da teoria estudada em problemas de biologia e sistemas dinâmicos fuzzy em geral. No entanto, o livro reúne o núcleo central da Lógica Fuzzy, apresentando a teoria de conjuntos fuzzy, relações fuzzy, conectivos e inferência para sistemas baseados em regras fuzzy, medidas fuzzy, integrais fuzzy, derivação fuzzy e sistemas dinâmicos fuzzy. Dessa forma, acreditamos ser um texto que pode ser utilizado tanto em um curso introdutório como num de nível intermediário sobre o tema: Lógica Fuzzy.

  • Tamanho: 492 páginas
  • Publicação: Coleção IMECC - Textos Didáticos; volume 5 - Terceira Edição
  • Lingua: Português
  • ISBN: 85-87185-05-5





Fuzzy Logic in Action: Applications in Epidemiology and Beyond
Fuzzy Logic in Action: Applications in Epidemiology and Beyond, co-authored by Eduardo Massad, Neli Ortega, Laécio Barros, and Cláudio Struchiner is a remarkable achievement. The book brings a major paradigm shift to medical sciences exploring the use of fuzzy sets in epidemiology and medical diagnosis arena. The volume addresses the most significant topics in the broad areas of epidemiology, mathematical modeling and uncertainty, embodying them within the framework of fuzzy set and dynamic systems theory.

Written by leading contributors to the area of epidemiology, medical informatics and mathematics, the book combines a very lucid and authoritative exposition of the fundamentals of fuzzy sets with an insightful use of the fundamentals in the area of epidemiology and diagnosis. The content is clearly illustrated by numerous illustrative examples and several real world applications. Based on their profound knowledge of epidemiology and mathematical modeling, and on their keen understanding of the role played by uncertainty and fuzzy sets, the authors provide insights into the connections between biological phenomena and dynamic systems as a mean to predict, diagnose, and prescribe actions. An example is the use of Bellman-Zadeh fuzzy decision making approach to develop a vaccination strategy to manage measles epidemics in São Paulo.

The book offers a comprehensive, systematic, fully updated and self- contained treatise of fuzzy sets in epidemiology and diagnosis. Its content covers material of vital interest to students, researchers and practitioners and is suitable both as a textbook and as a reference. The authors present new results of their own in most of the chapters. In doing so, they reflect the trend to view fuzzy sets, probability theory and statistics as an association of complementary and synergetic modeling methodologies.

  • Hardcover: 348 pages
  • Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (September 1, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 3540690921
  • ISBN-13: 978-3540690924


 A First Course in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Dynamical Systems, and Biomathematics

This book is the result of courses we have given for more than a decade to upper level undergraduate students and to graduate students majoring in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, and engineering. In this book the reader will encounter the basic concepts that span the initial notions of fuzzy sets to more advanced notions of fuzzy differential equation and dynamical systems. We follow, in our ordering of topics, a pedagogical unfolding beginning with classical theory such as set theory and probability in such a way that these serve as an opening into the fuzzy case. Moreover, the classical differential and integral calculus is the beginning step from which fuzzy differential and integral analysis are developed. There are various derivatives and integrals that exist and applied in the context of fuzzy functions. These are clearly delineated and interpreted in our presentation of fuzzy integral and differential equations. Each of the major topics is accompanied with examples, worked exercises and exercises to be completed. Many applications of our concept to real problems are found throughout the book. Even though this book may be, and has been, used as a textbook for various courses, in it are sufficient ideas for beginning the research projects in fuzzy
mathematics. It is the hope of the authors that our joy, passion, and respect for all who seriously the study of fuzzy mathematics, modeling, and applications, emerges through the written page.

  • Hardcover: 299 pages
  • Publisher: Springer; 1 edition - 2017
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-3-662-53322-2
  • ISBN (eBook): 978-3-662-53324-6


Fuzzy Differential Equations in Various Approaches

This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students interested in FDEs. It may be useful to scientists of areas such as engineering, biology, and economics
dealing with uncertain dynamical systems and fuzzy concepts, besides mathematicians interested in theoretical developments. The text focuses on fuzzy initial value
problems (FIVPs) and is intended to be a reference textbook with the basics of various approaches of FDEs. The best known approaches—via Hukuhara derivative, fuzzy differential inclusions (FDIs) and via extension of the solution are presented, as well as the recent strongly generalized derivative and the extension of the derivative operator. This book is the result of years of study aimed at (but not restricted to) developing the last approach, including new results related to it.

  • Hardcover: 120 pages
  • Publisher: Springer; 1 edition - 2015
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-3-319-22574-6
  • ISBN (eBook): 978-3-319-22575-3



Manual do uso da teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy no Matlab 6.5.
Este é um material que apresenta os comandos básicos para o uso da Lógica Fuzzy no ambiente de computação científica Matlab 6.5. Nele o leitor pode visualizar o funcionamento de certas metodologias, como a de Controladores Fuzzy, descritas no livro acima.



Tese de Doutorado
Título: Sobre Sistemas Dinâmicos Fuzzy: Teoria e Aplicações.



Dissertação de Mestrado
Título: Modelos Determinísticos com Parâmetros Subjetivos.
