Seminário de Equações Diferenciais Parciais - Geometric regularity theory for the Isaacs equation

Prof. Edgard Pimentel
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Event's date: 
Tuesday, 3 October, 2017 - 16:00 to 17:00
Event's place
Room 321

In this talk, we consider an Isaacs equation and study the regularity
of solutions in Sobolev and Holder spaces. This class of equations
arises in the study of two-players, zero-sum, stochastic di erential games.
In addition, it is a toy-model for non-convex/non-concave operators. In
the framework of viscosity solutions, fundamental developments regarding
the Isaacs equation have been produced; for example, the existence and
uniqueness of solutions. We propose an approximation method, relating
the Isaacs operator with a Bellman one. From a heuristic viewpoint, we
import regularity from the latter to our problem of interest, by imposing
a proximity regime. Distinct regimes yield di erent classes of estimates,
covering the cases of Sobolev and Holder spaces. We close the talk with
some consequences and applications of our results.