VI Workshop on Dynamical Systems - MAT 70

An International Conference on Dynamical Systems celebrating the 70th birthday of Marco Antonio Teixeira


The conference will be held on the campus of Campinas State University - Unicamp, from May 26 to May 29, in the city of Campinas, SP, Brazil.

The conference is organized by former students and collaborators of Prof. Marco Antonio Teixeira, in occasion of his 70th birthday.

The conference cover topics ranging from Reversible Systems, Polynomial Vector Fields, Bifurcations, Non Smooth Dynamical Systems, The Markus-Yamabe Problem, Geometric Theory of Singular Perturbations to Normal Forms and related areas.

The figure on the top left is an illustration of the T-singularity, gently made by Mike Jeffrey to be the official logo of the event.


Some downloads:

Conference poster

First Announcement - Second Announcement



MAT70 - may 26 to 29, 2014

Campinas - São Paulo - Brazil

Scientific Committee

Jaume Llibre (Chair)

Freddy Dumortier

Jorge Sotomayor

Jeroen Lamb

Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas

Mário Jorge Carneiro

Ronaldo Garcia

John Hogan

Organizing Committee

Claudio A. Buzzi

Luci A. F. Roberto

João C. da R. Medrado

Ketty A. Rezende

Paulo R. da Silva

Ricardo M. Martins

Local Committee

Ricardo M. Martins

Kamila Andrade

Juliana Larrosa

Thais Damacena

Otávio Marçal

Anna Machado

Guilherme Tavares
