First Announcement


Dear colleague,

This is the first announcement of the conference

   "VI Workshop on Dynamical System – MAT70"

This meeting will be held on 26-29 May 2014 at Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil,

on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Marco Antonio Teixeira.

The website with some provisional information can be accessed following

this link:

Everyone is welcome to participate. The meeting will cover the topics from

Reversible Systems, Polynomial Vector Fields, Bifurcations, Non Smooth

Dynamical Systems, The Markus-Yamabe Problem, Geometric Theory of Singular

Perturbations to Normal Forms and related areas. It brings together world

experts and young researchers to report recent achievements and to exchange

ideas, addressing trends of research in a stimulating environment.

Confirmed Speakers

Alain Jacquemard (U. Bourgogne)

Alessandro Colombo (Politecnico di Milano)

Ana Cima (UAB/Barcelona)

Armengol Gasull (UAB/Barcelona)

Clodoaldo Grotta Ragazzo (IME-USP)

Daniel C. Panazzolo (Université de Haute-Alsace)

David Chillingworth (University of Southampton)

Emilio Freire (Universidad de Sevilla)

Enrique Ponce (U. Sevilla)

Hildebrando Munhoz Rodrigues (USP-São Carlos)

Jair Koiller (Fundação Getúlio Vargas)

Jiazhong Yang (U. Peking)

Joan C. Artés (UAB/Barcelona)

Joan Torregrosa (UAB/Barcelona)

Lorenzo J. Díaz ( PUC-Rio de Janeiro)

Marcel Guardia (University of Maryland)

Marcelo Viana (IMPA)

Maurício Peixoto (IMPA)

Mike Jeffrey (U. Bristol)

Oleg Makarenkov (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics/Bilbao)

Robert Roussarie (U.Bourgogne)

Tere M.Seara (UPC/Barcelona)

Victoriano Carmona (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)

Waldyr Oliva (IST/Lisboa)

We are looking forward to seeing you in Campinas.

The organizing committee

Claudio A. Buzzi (UNESP)

Luci A. F. Roberto (UNESP)

João C. da R. Medrado (UFG)

Ketty A. Rezende (UNICAMP)

Paulo R. da Silva (UNESP)

Ricardo M. Martins (UNICAMP)