ICCA8 will take place under the auspices of the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computation (IMECC) from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). It is located in Campinas, the third largest city (approx. 1,030,000) in the state of São Paulo (SP), after the city of São Paulo (the Capital of the State, approx. 10,900,000) and Guarulhos (approx. 1,200,000) and the fourteenth in Brazil. It distances approximately 90 km from the city of São Paulo, 450 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro, 800 km from Brasília (the Nation's Capital) and 2600 km from Manaus in the Amazon jungle.

UNICAMP was established in 1966 and is a public university. It is part of the SP state’s public higher education system, which also includes two other universities: the University of São Paulo (USP) and the "Julio de Mesquita Filho" Paulista State University (UNESP). These public universities are free for any student who is accepted after a competitive examination among those who applies for any of them. In the 2006 academic year, UNICAMP had 16,049 regular undergraduate students, 4,883 MSc students and 5,214 PhD students. An institutional video from UNICAMP is available here.

IMECC offers graduate and undergraduate programs in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics. In the 2006 academic year, IMECC had 102 faculty members, 1,045 regular undergraduate students, 191 MSc students and 154 PhD students. A bird's eye view of IMECC by Google Earth can be obtained here.