IV CBSF - Fourth Brazilian Conference on Fuzzy Systems

November 16 - 18, 2016, Campinas - Brazil

History of CBSF

In 2006 and 2008 the first steps toward the organization of a research community around the theme: "Fuzzy" were taken. It was done through the organization of the Symposium on Applications of Fuzzy Logic (Simpósio de Aplicações de Lógica Fuzzy - SALF - in Portuguese). The idea was the establishment of a biannual meeting with a regional character. The event revealed that we were in front of an area with a great demand, as the number of participants overcame the expectations and welcomed researchers and students of universities from many Brazilian states.

On September 08-11th of 2009, the Brazilian Applied Mathematical Society (SBMAC) promoted the first mini-symposium on the "Foundations and Applications of Fuzzy Logic" as a satellite event of the National Congress on Applied Mathematics, which was held in Cuiabá - MT. At that time about 2.000 CNPq Lattes CVs involving the keyword "Fuzzy" were found. With this scenario, the Thematic Committee on Fuzzy Systems, was created in the Society, which induced the organization of an event with a national character around the theme "Fuzzy". This event was called: First Brazilian Congress on Fuzzy Systems (I Congresso Brasileiro em Sistemas Fuzzy - I CBSF; in Portuguese), substituting the III SALF which had already been planned.

The I CBSF expanded the scope of SALF, which focused mostly on applications. The word "System" assumed a broad sense, in order to capture both the investigation on Computational systems and the investigation on Logical systems that are also objects of investigation. In this scenario, the CBSF became an important South American event dedicated solely to fuzzy systems and obtained endorsement of the following scientific societies:

  • Brazilian Society of Automatics(SBA)
  • Sociedade Brasileira de Intência Computacionaeligl (SBIC)
  • Brazilian Society of Computational Intelligence (SBMAC)
  • International Fuzzy Systems Association - IFSA
  • North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS)

The II Brazilian Congress on Fuzzy Systems (II CBSF) was held in Natal - RN. At that time, the CBSF consolidated itself as the major South American event on fuzzy systems. Besides the previous societies, the II CBSF was also endorsed by the following societies:

  • European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT)
  • Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)

In 2014, the III Brazilian Congress on Fuzzy Systems (III CBSF) has held in João Pessoa - PB, together with 11th International FLINS Conference on Decision Making and Soft Computing (FLINS2014).

The proceedings and the book of abstract of the previous CBSFs are free available at the Brazilian fuzzy community website: Fuzzy-BR.

This year, the IV Brazilian Congress on Fuzzy Systems Fuzzy (VI CBSF) will take place at the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas - SP.