[45] R. Mucciacito & L.T. Santos, Logaritmos: História, Aplicações e Vídeos Animados, História da Matemática e Estratégias Interdisciplinares no Ensino de Logaritmos, 57-90, 2023.

[44] J.M. Martinez & L.T. Santos, Inexact-Restoration Modelling with Monotone Interpolation and Parameter Estimation, Optimization and Engineering, published online, 2023.

[43] D. Stefanelli, L.T. Santos & A.C. Vidal, Fast Permeability Estimation Using NMR Well Logging Data Log-Normal Decomposition, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 231, 212368, 2023.

[42] J.M. Martinez & L.T. Santos, On Two Conjectures About Dennis-Moré Conditions, Numerical Algorithms, 91, 1407-1425, 2022.

[41] J.M. Martinez & L.T. Santos, On Large-Scale Unconstrained Optimization and Arbitrary Regularization, Computational Optimization and Applications, 81, 1-30, 2022.

[40] R. Andreani, J.M. Martinez & L.T. Santos, Newton's Method May Fail to Recognize Proximity to Optimal Points in Constrained Optimization, Mathematical Programming - Series A, 160, 547-555, 2016.

[39] R. Andreani, J.M. Martinez, L.T. Santos & B.F. Svaiter, On the Behavior of Constrained Optimization Methods When Lagrange Multipliers Do Not Exist, Optimization Methods and Software, 29, 646-657, 2014.

[38] R. Bloot, J. Schleicher & L.T. Santos, On the Elastic Wave Equation in Weakly Anisotropic VTI Media, Geophysical Journal International, 192, 1144-1155, 2013.

[37] L.T. Santos, J. Schleicher, J.C. Costa & A. Novais, Fast Estimation of Common-Reflection-Surface (CRS) Parameters Using Local Slopes, Geophysics, 76, U23-U34, 2011.

[36] E. Lima, L. T. Santos, J. Schleicher & M. Tygel, A Comparison of Semblances of Different Order in Common-Reflection-Surface Parameter Estimation, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 8, 175-184, 2011.

[35] L.T. Santos, F.A. Dorini & M.C.C. Cunha, The Probability Density Function to the Random Linear Transport Equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216, 1524-1530, 2010.

[34] J. Schleicher, J.C. Costa, L.T. Santos, A. Novais & M. Tygel, On the Estimation of Local Slopes, Geophysics, 74, P25-P33, 2009.

[33] V. Grosfeld & L.T. Santos, An AVO Indicator Based on the Impedance Concept, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 16, 69-77, 2007.

[32] M. Tygel & L.T. Santos, Quadratic Normal Moveouts of Symmetric Reflections in Elastic Media: A Quick Tutorial, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 51, 185-206, 2007.

[31] L.T. Santos & M. Tygel, Inverting Amplitude versus Ray Parameter Curves Using the Reflection Impedance Concept, Russian Geology and Geophysics, 47, 574-581, 2006.

[30] L.T. Santos, F. Yano, M. Salvatierra, J.M. Martinez, R. Andreani & M. Tygel, A Global Optimization Algorithm Applied to the Commom Reflection Surface (CRS) Problem, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 14, 217-233, 2005.

[29] G. Garabito, P.A. Chira-Oliva, M. Tygel & L.T. Santos, A Quick Review of 2D Topographic Traveltimes, Revista Brasileira de Geofisica, 23, 5-13, 2005.

[28] F. Majana, W. Mascarenhas, M. Tygel & L.T. Santos, Refinement Step for Parameter Estimation in the CRS Method, Revista Brasileira de Geofisica, 21, 275-287, 2005.

[27] R. Biloti, L.T. Santos & M. Tygel, Automatic Smoothing by Optimal Splines, Revista Brasileira de Geofisica, 21, 171-178, 2005.

[26] A. Novais & L.T. Santos, 2.5-D Finite Difference Solution of the Acoustic Wave Equation, Geophysical Prospecting, 53, 523-531, 2005.

[25] F.C. Santos, A.A. Santos, F. Bruni & L.T. Santos, Evaluation of Subsurface Contact Stresses in Railroad Wheels Using an Elastic Half--Space Model, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 26, 420-429, 2004.

[24] A.C.R. Vasquez, A.S. Oliveira, M. Tygel & L.T. Santos, Recuperacao de Atributos Sismicos Utilizando a Migracao para Afastamento Nulo, Revista Brasileira de Geofisica, 20, 59-64, 2004.

[23] L.T. Santos & M. Tygel, Impedance-Type Approximations of the P-P Elastic Reflection Coefficient: Modeling and AVO Inversion, Geophysics, 69, 592-598, 2004.

[22] R. Biloti, L.T. Santos & M. Tygel, Multiparametric Traveltime Inversion, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 46, 177-192, 2002.

[21] R. Biloti, R. Portugal, L.T. Santos & M. Tygel, Obtaining AVO and AVA Curves from CRS Attributes, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 10, 19-29, 2001.

[20] J. Schleicher, L.T. Santos & M. Tygel, Seismic Migration by Demodeling, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 10, 59-76, 2001.

[19] M. Tygel, J. Schleicher, L.T. Santos & P. Hubral, The Kirchhoff-Helmholtz Integral Pair, Journal of Computational Acoustics, 9, 1383-1394, 2001.

[18] L.T. Santos, J. Schleicher, M. Tygel & P. Hubral, Modeling, Migration, and Demigration, The Leading Edge, 19, 712-715, 2000.

[17] L.T. Santos, J. Schleicher, M. Tygel & P. Hubral, Seismic Modeling by Demigration, Geophysics, 65, 1281-1289, 2000.

[16] M. Tygel, J. Schleicher, L.T. Santos & P. Hubral, An Asymptotic Inverse to the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz Integral, Inverse Problems, 16, 425-445, 2000.

[15] M. Tygel, L.T. Santos & J. Schleicher, Multifocus Moveout Revisited: Derivations and Alternative Expressions, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 42, 319-331, 1999.

[14] E.G. Birgin, R. Biloti, M. Tygel & L.T. Santos, Restricted Optimization: A Clue to Fast and Accurate Implementation of the Common Reflection Surface Method , Journal of Applied Geophysics , 42 , 143-155, 1999.

[13] M. Tygel, L.T. Santos, J. Schleicher & P. Hubral, Kirchhoff Imaging as a Tool for AVA/AVO Analysis, The Leading Edge, 18, 940-945, 1999.

[12] M. Tygel, J. Schleicher, P. Hubral & L.T. Santos, 2.5D True-Amplitude Kirchhoff Migration to Zero Offset in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media, Geophysics, 63, 557-573, 1998.

[11] J.M. Martínez & L.T. Santos, Some New Theoretical Results on Recursive Quadratic Programming Algorithms, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 97, 435-454, 1998.

[10] J.M. Martínez & L.T. Santos, Comparacao de Duas Estratégias no Ensino de "Complementos de Matemática", Zetetiké, 6, 89-108, 1998.

[9] L.T. Santos, J. Schleicher & M. Tygel, 2.5D True-Amplitude Offset Continuation, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 6, 103-116, 1997.

[8] J.L. Martins, J. Schleicher, M. Tygel & L.T. Santos, 2.5D True-Amplitude Migration and Demigration, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 6, 159-180, 1997.

[7] A. Novais, L.T. Santos, M. Tygel & B. Ursin, A Unified Born-Kirchhoff Approximation for Acoustic Media, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 6, 217-226, 1997.

[6] J.M. Martínez, L.T. Santos & S.A. Santos, A Minimax Method with Application to the Initial Vector Coding Problem, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 64, 273-284, 1997.

[5] S.M.H. Janesch & L.T. Santos, Exact Penalty Methods with Constrained Subproblems, Investigacióon Operativa, 7, 55-66, 1997.

[4] L.T. Santos, M. Tygel & B. Ursin, Wave Series Expansions for a Stratified Fluid, Russian Geology and Geophysics, 37, 26-46, 1996.

[3] J.M. Martínez, L.T. Santos & S.A. Santos, Problemas Minimax e Aplicacoes, Matemática Universitária, 16, 46-59, 1994.

[2] L.T. Santos, Sistemas Nao Lineares e Fractais, Matemática Universitária, 15, 102-116, 1993.

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