Post-doctoral Students

Grégoire Menet

I have recently defended my PhD thesis under the supervision of Dimitri Makushevitch in Lille 1 university. Main themes of my research are moduli spaces of sheaves, holomorphically symplectic varieties and their interfaces with topology, intersection theory on singular varieties and integrable systems (Lagrangian fibrations).

Lazaro Rodriguez

Degree in Mathematics (2008) at the Universidade de Havana, Ph.D. in Mathematics at the Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) (2014) supervised by professor Reimundo Heluani. Since january 2015 I am a FAPESP post-doctoral fellow at Unicamp, under the supervision of professor Marcos Jardim. Expertise in Representation Theory and Differential Geometry, working mainly with de Rham's quiral complex (CDR) in varieties with expectiona holonomy. In particular, I am intereste in the representation of superconformal algebras which appear associated via CDR, together with the possible relations with the geometry-topology of the varieties.

Valeriano Lanza

Bachelor Degree in Mathematics (2008), Master Degree in Mathematics (2010), both at University of Pavia, and Ph.D. in Mathematics and Applications at University of Genoa (2015), supervised by professor Claudio Bartocci. Since September 2015 I am a FAPESP post-doctoral fellow at Unicamp, under the supervision of professor Marcos Jardim. I have expertise in Algebraic Geometry; more precisely, my work is primarily concerned with moduli spaces of framed sheaves on surfaces. In particular, I have special interest in the reseach of ADHM data for these moduli spaces, exploring potential links with the theory of quiver representations. I am also addressing some issues related to the stability of Higgs bundles.