Publicações e Vínculos Atuais dos Egressos de 2013

Leonardo Silveira Borges
Defesa: 07/02/2013
Vínculo em fev/2017: Professor Adjunto A-1 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Publicações (artigos completos):
- BAZÁN, FERMÍN S.V. ; BEDIN, LUCIANO ; Borges, Leonardo S. . Space-dependent perfusion coefficient estimation in a 2D bioheat transfer problem. Computer Physics Communications, v. 214, p. 18-30, 2017.
- MORGADO, LEANDRO ; S. BORGES, LEONARDO . Passeio aleatório: jogo da roleta e apostas esportivas. C. Q. D. - Revista Eletrônica Paulista de Matemática, v. 8, p. 27-35, 2016.
- Borges, Leonardo S.; VILOCHE BAZÁN, FERMÍN S. ; CUNHA, MARIA C. C. . Automatic stopping rule for iterative methods in discrete ill-posed problems. Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (Cessou em 1997. Cont. ISSN 1807-0302 Computational & Applied Mathematics), v. 34, p. 1175-1197, 2015.
- BOZZOLI, FABIO ; CATTANI, LUCA ; RAINIERI, SARA ; VILOCHE BAZÁN, FERMÍN S. ; Borges, Leonardo S. . Estimation of the local heat-transfer coefficient in the laminar flow regime in coiled tubes by the Tikhonov regularisation method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 72, p. 352-361, 2014.
- VILOCHE BAZÁN, FERMÍN S. ; CUNHA, MARIA C.C. ; Borges, Leonardo S. . Extension of GKB-FP algorithm to large-scale general-form Tikhonov regularization. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, v. 21, p. 316-339, 2014.
- VILOCHE BAZÁN, FERMÍN S. ; Borges, Leonardo S. ; Francisco, Juliano B. . On a generalization of Regi ska s parameter choice rule and its numerical realization in large-scale multi-parameter Tikhonov regularization. Applied Mathematics and Computation, v. 219, p. 2100-2113, 2012.
- Bazán, Fermín S. Viloche ; Borges, Leonardo S. . GKB-FP: an algorithm for large-scale discrete ill-posed problems. BIT Numerical Mathematics (Dordrecht. Online), v. 50, p. 481-507, 2010.

Kênio Alexsom de Almeida Silva
Defesa: 15/02/2013
Vínculo em fev/2017: Professor do Magistério Superior, Classe A, Universidade Federal do Maranhão
Publicações (artigos completos):
- SILVA, KÊNIO A. A.. Nonlinear Self-Adjointness and Conservation Laws for the Hyperbolic Geometric Flow Equation. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (Print), v. 20, p. 28-43, 2013.
- SILVA, K. A. A.; BOZHKOV, YURI ; Nonlinear self-adjointness of a 2D generalized second order evolution equation. Nonlinear Analysis, v. 75, p. 5069-5078, 2012. 

Douglas Soares Gonçalves
Defesa: 22/02/2013
Vínculo em fev/2017: Professor Adjunto, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Publicações (artigos completos):
- GONÇALVES, D. S.; MUCHERINO, A. . Optimal partial discretization orders for discretizable distance geometry. International Transactions in Operational Research, v. 23, p. 947-967, 2016.
- BILLINGE, SIMON J. L. ; DUXBURY, PHILLIP M. ; GONÇALVES, DOUGLAS S. ; LAVOR, CARLILE ; MUCHERINO, ANTONIO . Assigned and unassigned distance geometry: applications to biological molecules and nanostructures. 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, v. 14, p. 337-376, 2016.
- GONÇALVES, D. S.; GOMES-RUGGIERO, M. A. ; LAVOR, C. . A projected gradient method for optimization over density matrices. Optimization Methods & Software (Print), v. 31, p. 328-341, 2016.
- GONÇALVES, D.S.; SANTOS, SANDRA A. . A globally convergent method for nonlinear least-squares problems based on the Gauss-Newton model with spectral correction. Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics, v. 4, p. 7-26, 2016.
- GONÇALVES, DOUGLAS S.; SANTOS, SANDRA A. . Local analysis of a spectral correction for the Gauss-Newton model applied to quadratic residual problems. Numerical Algorithms, v. 73, p. 407-431, 2016.
- GONÇALVES, D.S.; GOMES-RUGGIERO, M. A. ; LAVOR, C. . Global convergence of diluted iterations in Maximum-Likelihood Quantum Tomography. Quantum Information & Computation, v. 14, p. 0966-0980, 2014.
- GONÇALVES, D.S.; MUCHERINO, A. . Discretization orders and efficient computation of cartesian coordinates for distance geometry. Optimization Letters (Print), v. 8, p. 2111-2125, 2014.
- GONÇALVES, D. S.; LAVOR, C. ; GOMES-RUGGIERO, M. A. ; CESÁRIO, A. T. ; VIANNA, R. O. ; MACIEL, T. O. . Quantum state tomography with incomplete data: Maximum entropy and variational quantum tomography. Physical Review. A, v. 87, p. 052140, 2013.
- GONÇALVES, D.S.; GOMES-RUGGIERO, M. A. ; LAVOR, C. ; FARIAS, O. J. ; RIBEIRO, P. H. S. . Local solutions of maximum likelihood estimation in quantum state tomography. Quantum Information & Computation, v. 12, p. 775-790, 2012. 

Rafael Santos de Oliveira Alves
Defesa: 25/02/2013
Vínculo em fev/2017: bolsista (PNPD) CAPES    
Publicações (artigos completos):
-Alves, Rafael; Lavor, Carlile . Geometric Algebra to Model Uncertainties in the Discretizable Molecular Distance Geometry Problem. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, v. 27, p. 439-452, 2017.
-Lavor, Carlile ; Alves, Rafael ; FIGUEIREDO, WEBER ; PETRAGLIA, ANTONIO ; MACULAN, NELSON . Clifford Algebra and the Discretizable Molecular Distance Geometry Problem. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, v. 25, p. 925-942, 2015.
-CASSIOLI, ANDREA ; BARDIAUX, BENJAMIN ; BOUVIER, GUILLAUME ; MUCHERINO, ANTONIO ; Alves, Rafael ; LIBERTI, LEO ; NILGES, MICHAEL ; Lavor, Carlile ; MALLIAVIN, THÉRÈSE E . An algorithm to enumerate all possible protein conformations verifying a set of distance constraints. BMC Bioinformatics, v. 16, p. 1, 2014.
-ALVES, R.; Lavor, Carlile . Clifford Algebra Applied to Grover s Algorithm. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, v. 20, p. 477-488, 2010. 

Thadeu Alves Senne
Defesa: 25/02/2013
Vínculo em fev/2017: Professor Adjunto, UNIFESP, São José dos Campos
Publicações (artigos completos):
- GOMES, FRANCISCO A.M. ; SENNE, THADEU A. . An algorithm for the topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (Print), v. 99 (6) 391-409, 2014.
- GOMES, F. A. M. ; SENNE, T. A. . An SLP algorithm and its application to topology optimization. Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (Cessou em 1997. Cont. ISSN 1807-0302 Computational & Applied Mathematics), v. 30, p. 53-89, 2011.

Salvador Lou Vega
Defesa: 05/04/2013
Vínculo em fev/2017: Professor Adjunto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Publicações (artigos completos):
- VEGA, S. L.; Ferreira Jr., W.C . Dispersão de Longo Alcance e Efeito Allee. Biomatemática (UNICAMP), v. 18, p. 149-171, 2008.
- VEGA, S. L.; Yurrita, C.L . Análisis de nicho alimentario en la comunidad de murciélagos frugívoros del bosque subtropical de Yaxhá , Petén, Guatemala. Acta Zoológica Mexicana, v. 21, p. 83-94, 2005. 

Cicero Alfredo da Silva Filho
Defesa: 14/06/2013
Vínculo em fev/2017: Professor Adjunto A, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Bahia
Publicações (artigos completos):
- LOURÊDO, A. T. ; SIRACUSA, G. ; SILVA FILHO, C. A. . On a Nonlinear Degenerate Evolution Equation with Nonlinear Boundary Damping. Journal of Applied Mathematics, v. 2015, p. 1-13, 2015. 

Yen Chi Lun
Defesa: 05/09/2013
Vínculo em fev/2017: sem informação da atuação laboral
Publicações (artigos completos):
- Yen Chi Lun; F. R. Rafaeli . Inequalities of zeros of Jacobi Polynomials via Sturm's theorem, Gautschi's conjectures. Numerical Algorithms, 2014.
- D. K. Dimitrov ; Yen Chi Lun . Monotonicity, interlacing and electrostatic interpretation of zeros of exceptional Jacobi polynomials. Journal of Approximation Theory (Print), 2013.

Gilcélia Regiane de Souza
Defesa: 11/10/2013
Vínculo em fev/2017: Professora Adjunta, Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei, Campus Alto Paraopeba
Publicações (artigos completos):
- SOUZA, G. R.; SANTOS, L. G. M. . Loterias, Combinatórias e o Lema de Kaplansky. Revista do Professor de Matemática, v. 86, p. 3-26, 2014. 

Abel Soares Siqueira
Defesa: 02/12/2013  
Vínculo em fev/2017: Professor Adjunto, Universidade Federal do Paraná
Publicações (artigos completos): 
- SIQUEIRA, A. S.; SILVA, R. G. C. ; SANTOS, L.-R. . Perprof-py: A Python Package for Performance Profile of Mathematical Optimization Software. Journal of Open Research Software, v. 4, p. 12, 2016. 

Cecília Pereira de Andrade
Defesa: 11/12/2013   
Vínculo em fev/2017: Professora, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, Campus Campinas
Publicações (artigos completos):
- Andrade, C. P.; SILVA, K. C. P. ; SILVA, E. V. P. ; SANTOS, J. P. O. . Polynomial Generalizations and Combinatorial Interpretations for Sequences Including the Fibonacci and Pell Numbers. Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics, v. 3, p. 25-32, 2013. 

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